Friday, July 15, 2011

Solids & Naps

P has really taken to solid foods. He's been on solids for about 6 weeks now, and we just started a lunch meal two weeks ago. He gets fruit in the morning, a fruit/veggie mix at lunch, and a veggie at night. Tonight we are starting spinach. He will get spinach and oatmeal tonight, spinach and yellow squash tomorrow night, and spinach and sweet potato Sunday night. We just finished mango, and I just made up a bunch of organic plums for him to start once the spinach is done.

So far we have done:
Green beans
Sweet potato
Yellow squash
Butternut squash


Beets, kale, parsnips, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, and melons are all on the list of upcoming foods. I love combining all the flavors and watching him explore! It takes about 30 minutes a week for me to get his food prepared, and about 2 minutes after he goes down for the night to pull out and mix his meals for the next day. Completely worth it in my mind. I do keep these pouches in my diaper bag for when we are out and about. P grabbed one right away and started eating it right from the much easier than carrying around homemade or commercially made jars or containers! I love it!

Since we started letting P cry it out at 6 months, he has become a much better napper. I'm able to put him to bed completely awake after his solids and within 10 minutes he is asleep. It has made our night time routine easier too. He gets his bath, a bottle of breastmilk, and he goes to sleep. Easy as pie.

I need to start letting him CIO at night though. At 5 months he picked up a middle of the night feeding that he has NOT dropped. It's anywhere from 1-4 am and momma is going nuts. He started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks, so imagine my surprise after 3 months of 12 hour nights to have to get up again. He still won't break it, even though the doctor said it originated from a growth spurt. The doctor says I CANNOT feed him when he wakes up, and either let him CIO or pick him up to soothe him but put him back in the crib without feeding him. Should be interesting. I'm looking forward to my beauty sleep again though.

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