Sunday, August 14, 2011


I was laid off when I was 6 months pregnant. It was important for us that I stay home with P for a few months. So I started looking for work when he turned 3 months old. Finally, this week I accepted a full time position. I start the 22nd. As excited as I am to go back to work, I'm torn about leaving P. I've been so blessed to be with him full time for the last 8 months. And I'm even more blessed that my parents will be watching him during the day. I expect it to be a tough transition, both emotionally and logistically, since I am still nursing and making all his food. So I spent a few hours making a bunch of food today. Black beans, roasted eggplant, sweet potato, peas, peaches, plums, apples, mangos, broccoli and cheese bites, and some lentils. My place smells amazing and I'm looking forward to keeping up with making his food so he has a little taste of mom's cooking during the day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Finger Foods

About a week or so ago, P decided he was ready for finger foods. He decided to tell us while my parents, husband and I were out grabbing a burger. Although he had just eaten, when our food came he went bonkers. We couldn't calm him down. In desperation, my father asked if he could give P a mandarin orange off my husband's salad. P went nuts. We ended up getting an entire side plate of oranges which he gobbled up. Point taken.

So we've been doing diced peaches, scrambled eggs, chopped broccoli and cauliflower and his normal puffs. He does great with them. It's perfect timing, because his 4 oz of purees was starting to leave him hungry, so 4 oz with some finger foods and he is good to go.

I'm trying to come up with more finger food ideas - so I'm up for any suggestions.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Seven Months!

At seven months:
Guessing about 21 lbs and 28 - 28.5 inches (no doctor's visit this month)
Sleeping from 7-7:30 pm to 6 am with two 2 hour naps during the day
Three solid meals a day and 3 nursing sessions, and a bottle of breast milk before bed
Started finger foods!
Crawling, working on pulling to sit and stand, will stand up while holding something, two bottom teeth
6 month clothes, some 6-9 month
Size 3 diapers
Loves playing ball, being tickled, staring at himself in the mirror, bath time, his new pack and play, and walks in the stroller.