Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Déjà vu

Way back when I found out I was pregnant, I took a regular (lined) test on Sunday. There was a faint second line, but I wasn't 100% convinced. That next day, the husband and I met for lunch at a local Chick-Fil-A restaurant, where I went to the restroom and took a digital test. It's where I took this picture and our adventure began.

Yesterday, after the final walkthru of the house, I dropped the husband off at work and went to Babies R Us with P. We walked around for a while and I decided to grab some lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in the same shopping center. After both P and I ate, I went to the restroom to change him and that is when I noticed I was in the same place I found out I was really pregnant. I took a long hard look at the smiling 7 month staring up at me, smiled back and happily went on my way. It was a great coincidence.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

More Teeth

P is cutting a top tooth. I discovered it this afternoon after he refused to let me put him down for a half hour and I threw him in the sling. After a half hour in the sling and a few awful naps, I finally started feeling around up there and found a swollen gum. Appears to be his top right tooth. Since we threw out all the orajel, we are back to baby tylenol. And yet again, you can tell the moment it wears off. My poor boy is miserable without it.

He started to get fussy around lunchtime, and he slept like a rock for 10 hours last night, so I'm hoping he sleeps tonight. Last time he cut some teeth we spent the night in the I am not looking forward to a repeat of that. He is asleep right now, and hopefully he stays that way and this little tooth is waving hello in the morning.

On a happier note, a picture of P in his new stroller:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday ramblings

Spinach was a big hit in P's world, but it gave him a slight rash on his chin. I know a true allergy to spinach is super rare, and the rash was gone within an hour and he had no other symptoms of anything. I'm going to hold off a week or two before re-introducing spinach. In the meantime, we are on plums! He had plums, banana, and oatmeal for breakfast and he scarfed the whole thing down. I think I'll feed him plums in his diaper from now on - those things are messy!

Just made a big batch of farmer's market finds - zucchini, blackberries, and peaches. My kitchen smells delicious. Don't tell P I took some of his food and mixed it into some greek yogurt. Momma needs some good cooking too!

P is napping right now and then we are off for a run. Starting week 5 of the C25K program and I am enjoying this sub-90 degree weather. I think P will have run a few marathons before he can ever walk. That makes me proud.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Solids & Naps

P has really taken to solid foods. He's been on solids for about 6 weeks now, and we just started a lunch meal two weeks ago. He gets fruit in the morning, a fruit/veggie mix at lunch, and a veggie at night. Tonight we are starting spinach. He will get spinach and oatmeal tonight, spinach and yellow squash tomorrow night, and spinach and sweet potato Sunday night. We just finished mango, and I just made up a bunch of organic plums for him to start once the spinach is done.

So far we have done:
Green beans
Sweet potato
Yellow squash
Butternut squash


Beets, kale, parsnips, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, and melons are all on the list of upcoming foods. I love combining all the flavors and watching him explore! It takes about 30 minutes a week for me to get his food prepared, and about 2 minutes after he goes down for the night to pull out and mix his meals for the next day. Completely worth it in my mind. I do keep these pouches in my diaper bag for when we are out and about. P grabbed one right away and started eating it right from the much easier than carrying around homemade or commercially made jars or containers! I love it!

Since we started letting P cry it out at 6 months, he has become a much better napper. I'm able to put him to bed completely awake after his solids and within 10 minutes he is asleep. It has made our night time routine easier too. He gets his bath, a bottle of breastmilk, and he goes to sleep. Easy as pie.

I need to start letting him CIO at night though. At 5 months he picked up a middle of the night feeding that he has NOT dropped. It's anywhere from 1-4 am and momma is going nuts. He started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks, so imagine my surprise after 3 months of 12 hour nights to have to get up again. He still won't break it, even though the doctor said it originated from a growth spurt. The doctor says I CANNOT feed him when he wakes up, and either let him CIO or pick him up to soothe him but put him back in the crib without feeding him. Should be interesting. I'm looking forward to my beauty sleep again though.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Momma's workout routine

Before I got pregnant with P, I was running. A lot. I had some weight I wanted to lose, and I really loved the running. I was running 4-6 miles about 5-6 days a week when I got pregnant. I tried to keep running, but I always got sick. So the running shoes went in the closet. I did a lot of yoga and walking when I was pregnant, and I gained 35 lbs. By the time we bought a scale at 2 weeks after P was born, the 35 lbs were gone. I've been working on losing the weight I was trying to lose before I got pregnant. It's taken a while, but I'm making some progress.

I've been running with P in the jogging stroller, which is a whole new animal for me. I've been doing the C25K program with P three times a week and lifting three times a week. I'm nowhere near the distance I was before I got pregnant, but I'm also pushing almost 40 lbs when I run now. It's starting to pay off. I'm down 15 lbs from when I started and the scale is continuing to move. I'm really enjoying the runs with P, and the weight lifting sessions in the gym without P. It's a great feeling to be doing something for myself every day.

And yes, P has his own workout clothes so he he is properly dressed when we go for our runs.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Six Months!

At six months:
19 lbs 1 oz (85th percentile) and 27.75 inches (75th percentile)
Sleeping 9-10 hours per night in the crib...bedtime is between 7:30-8:00. Usually a nap around 10 and around 4.
Eating one 6 oz bottle of EBM before bed, the rest is nursing
Loving his solids. We have done green beans, peas, squash, sweet potato, carrots, apples, pears, bananas, and raspberries. He has also had cinnamon and ginger mixed in. We got the green light for stage two foods - I'm so excited!
Expert jumper, rolling over both ways, scooting around, trying to pull himself up and he can almost stand unassisted if he is holding onto something.
6 month clothes
His bottom front teeth both came in!
Size 2 diapers..but he is about a week away from size 3s
Loves the dogs, peek-a-boo when he is getting a diaper change, staring at himself in the mirror, bath time, jumping high in his jumper, Elmo, his exersaucer and his favorite toy Mr. Dinosaur.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our little piranha

The day before P turned 6 months, he cut his first tooth. Without knowing that was what was going on, we spent the night before in the glider. P would scream every time I put him down in the crib that night, and comfort nurse. When he fell asleep, I'd try putting him in the crib again and he would scream, so the glider for the night it was. When I woke up the next morning, his first little tooth greeted me and it all made sense.

Yesterday I was feeling around his gums to see how far his first tooth had come in, and low and behold, a second one was coming! I read they come in pairs, so I wasn't too surprised. This one is right next to his first - so both bottom front teeth.

He slept 10 hours last night without a peep and woke up to the second tooth poking up. I thought I was in the clear. Ha! P has been miserable all day. His gums are swollen from both teeth moving around. We've done the washcloth and teethers in the freezer, the baby orajel, the tylenol...nothing works. He has been crying non-stop all day. Towards the end of the day, he even refused to nurse. He ate his solids without an issue and that actually seemed to calm him down, but by 645 I knew he was hungry but he was rejecting the breast. So I gave him a bottle of breast milk and put him in his crib. 15 minutes later, he was out like a light. I'm sure I'll be up early (even if he sleeps 10 hours, that is still 5 am), but the quiet in the house and seeing him sleep so peacefully is so worth it.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day...and the rest of his teeth wait a while.

Friday, July 1, 2011


We started P on rice cereal a week shy of 5 months. At 5 months, we dove into purees. I started with squash and then moved onto green beans, peas, and sweet potato. Then it was pears, apples and bananas.

P eats his fruit in the morning and his veggies at night. Every few days, his fruit is mixed with whole wheat cereal. I plan on making some brown rice cereal in a few weeks to change it up. He eats anywhere from 1-3 oz a serving, and outside of a few days worth of making faces at green beans, he hasn't rejected anything. Outside of his green beans (which I CANNOT get to a good texture for the life of me), I make all of his food. I do have organic baby food in the house and in my diaper bag for the convenience, but I enjoy making his food.

I'm not adding any other foods (outside of the roasted carrots we are trying tonight) until we go for his 6 month appointment on July 6th. I'm curious to see what we can add to his diet according to his doctor. I haven't yet tried prunes, plums, peaches, nectarines, mangos, or anything like that. Avocados look gross at the store right now so I've held off. I'm also running out of new vegetable options. I can't wait to try new things like parsnips, beets, fennel, and the like.

I love this new stage in his development. Watching him try new foods and explore the taste and texture is really enjoyable. I look forward to his meals every day and love making his food each week.