Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our little piranha

The day before P turned 6 months, he cut his first tooth. Without knowing that was what was going on, we spent the night before in the glider. P would scream every time I put him down in the crib that night, and comfort nurse. When he fell asleep, I'd try putting him in the crib again and he would scream, so the glider for the night it was. When I woke up the next morning, his first little tooth greeted me and it all made sense.

Yesterday I was feeling around his gums to see how far his first tooth had come in, and low and behold, a second one was coming! I read they come in pairs, so I wasn't too surprised. This one is right next to his first - so both bottom front teeth.

He slept 10 hours last night without a peep and woke up to the second tooth poking up. I thought I was in the clear. Ha! P has been miserable all day. His gums are swollen from both teeth moving around. We've done the washcloth and teethers in the freezer, the baby orajel, the tylenol...nothing works. He has been crying non-stop all day. Towards the end of the day, he even refused to nurse. He ate his solids without an issue and that actually seemed to calm him down, but by 645 I knew he was hungry but he was rejecting the breast. So I gave him a bottle of breast milk and put him in his crib. 15 minutes later, he was out like a light. I'm sure I'll be up early (even if he sleeps 10 hours, that is still 5 am), but the quiet in the house and seeing him sleep so peacefully is so worth it.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day...and the rest of his teeth wait a while.


  1. Yuck. I am not looking forward to this- AT ALL! I hope he gets to feeling better soon.. poor baby :(

  2. Also, have you looked into amber teething necklaces? I'm about to buy one for Truitt. I have SEVERAL friends (IRL and bloggy) that swear by them. If you're not familiar they are NOT for chewing but the amber against the body is supposed to have pain relieving properties!

  3. I've heard of them Samantha, but never looked into them. I may have to if this keeps up!!
