Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

First time away

Things have been crazy here lately. My husband and I traveled to DC so he could have an operation on his foot. For the first time in the 5.5 months of P's life, I was separated from him. For four days. And four nights. My husband really needed the surgery, and really needed my help. There was no way to take P with us between the hospital, the hotel, the cab rides, etc. Luckily, my parents live about an hour away, so off to Gramma and Grampa's house he went.

I cried dropping him off. I cried on the way home. If it wasn't for my girlfriend who called me the hour drive home, I might have totally lost it. I did pretty well when we got to DC since we were so occupied with the surgery and a visit with my sister. We Skyped with P on Friday afternoon, and he got so confused hearing our voices it broke my heart. We resorted to sending pictures via text after that.

All the down time after his surgery was the toughest. I missed my little guy so much. Plus, I had to bring my pump and was exclusively pumping every few hours. I'm sure you know, but I HATE that thing. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Then on the metro, there were the cutest little babies, a woman nursing her newborn...I swear I almost burst into tears.

It was good for both P and I to "see other people" for a little while, but it was really tough. I missed my little guy. Managing my supply without him around was hard, and every picture I sent both warmed and broke my heart.

Having my family back together never felt so good.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Saturday, June 11, 2011


We have reached quite a few milestones the last week or two:

Holding his own bottle

Sitting up on his own

and the biggest milestone...


He pulls his knees up, pushes himself onto his side, and then rolls back onto his stomach. It's pretty interesting to watch. I'll have to get a video of it.

It's been a big week here...I couldn't be more proud!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Meeting Great Gramma

I will never forget this:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Five Months!

At five months:
Guessing about 16 3/4 to 17 lbs and 28 - 28.5 inches (no doctor's visit this month)
Sleeping 9-11 hours per night in the crib...bedtime is between 7:30-8:00
Eating two 6 oz bottles per day, the rest is nursing
Started solids this month! We are doing foods twice per day and so far cereal, squash, and green beans have all been big hits.
Rolling over both ways, almost sitting up on his own, ba and ga are common words in our house now, and he stands up with the best of them.
3 month clothes, 6 month footie pjs (he's too tall for the 3 month!)
Size 2 diapers
Loves being tickled, staring at himself in the mirror, bath time, jumping high in his jumper, Elmo, Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, his exersaucer and his favorite toy Mr. Dinosaur.