Thursday, May 26, 2011

Not so sure about squash

P has been on cereal twice a day for the last 10 days. This morning, we started some butternut squash mixed with his cereal. By the looks of it, he's not so sure!

UPDATE: Apparently I spoke too soon. He started banging on his tray and I couldn't spoon the stuff into his mouth fast enough! Success!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First time at the Pool

We took P to the pool yesterday for the first time. I took him first while my husband was at work around 3, and then the boys went around 6 after the sun had gone behind the clouds. P LOVED it. He had such a blast. I've never heard him laugh so much. He also slept like a rock last night - I think it wore him out!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Naps? What naps?

P refuses to nap. I said it. I have a 4.5 month old baby who refuses to nap. He's energetic, active and enjoyable all day. If you didn't pay attention to the clock, all of a sudden it's bedtime and he hasn't closed his eyes for a second yet. Although he sleeps 10 plus hours a night, the doctor says he needs about 15 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, so I've been trying to wind him down for naps.

Sometimes nursing in a dark room in bed works, sometimes it doesn't. He also is a light sleeper with his naps. The second I move and get up, he's awake and ready to go. All he wants to do is play. He used to take a nap right after his first feeding, but he dropped that about a month ago. Hopefully we get into a routine sometime soon. That way I can have more cute sleeping pictures like this one:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

May 16, 2010 is when we found out I was pregnant. Amazing to think of the journey we've been on since then!

Starting Cereal

Gimme the spoon Mom - I've got this!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mommy & Me

P and I went to our first Mommy and Me fitness class today. It was a lot of fun! Even nursing in public (while working out nonetheless) was super easy and P had fun staring at the other babies. He even got dressed up for the outing!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New friend

We discovered the other day that P has noticed the TV and loves to stare at it. He sits in his jumper or exersaucer and talks back to the TV and giggles at it. Pretty quickly, we realized he has a fond enjoyment of Sesame Street, and especially Elmo. P giggles every time Elmo comes on the screen and is utterly fascinated by him. Needless to say, P has his own Elmo stuffed animal already. We certainly don't plop him in front of the TV for hours at a time, but he enjoys the few minutes he watches it and at least it is an educational show. It's so amazing to watch him become so involved in the world around him.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Four Months!

I waited a few days until we got back from his doctor's appointment:

At four months:
16 lbs 1.4 oz (75th percentile)
27.5 inches (95th percentile)
17.5 inches head circumference
Sleeping 9-11 hours per night in the crib
Eating 6 ounces per feeding every 4-5 times per day
A combination of nursing and bottle feeding
Rolling back to front and front to back, laughing and talking like crazy and standing up all the time
3 month clothes, 6 month footie pjs (he's too tall for the 3 month!)
Just moved into size 2 diapers
Loves being tickled, staring at himself in the mirror, standing up, and his favorite toy Mr. Dinosaur.