Monday, January 24, 2011

3 weeks!

Preston turned 3 weeks old this weekend. I can't believe how quick the time goes by! He is cooing, lifting his head, and loves his activity mat. He's becoming more alert and awake every day and is simply a joy to be around. His hair has stayed blonde and his eyelashes are so blonde you can hardly see them. His eyes are still dark blue and although he is still in his newborn clothes, seems to be putting on some weight.

He is sleeping well, waking up one or two times a night to eat and for a diaper change and then right back to sleep. He is eating well and we are starting to tone down the amount of formula we are supplementing. Preston loves to go out for walks or for running errands and has had dinner out with mom and dad twice so far. I could simply stare at this little man for hours.

In my world, I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Nothing like losing 33 lbs in 3 weeks. I've gotten back in the gym slowly and I am feeling great. Preston goes in his car seat and joins me at the gym next to my treadmill. Amazing how fast the miles go by when you are staring at your son in the mirror.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


There are simply no words:

Monday, January 17, 2011


Guess who is in her pre-pregnancy jeans at 17 days postpartum? YAY!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Working out

I got back into my workouts two days ago. I couldn't stand it. I decided to do the 30 Day Shred - one of my good ol' stand by workout systems. However, in all the reading I've done I decided to stay away from ab work until my 6 week check up to give my ab muscles time to get back where they belong. I've done two days of the Shred and am feeling amazing. Besides the diaper changes in the middle of the workouts, things are back to normal.

We're having to supplement Preston with some formula. He is eating like a horse. He'll nurse for an hour, go off for 10 minutes, nurse for another half hour, and then fuss he is hungry. We've stuck with the Enfamil he got in the hospital (still working off samples actually) and I would say he gets formula about 1/4 of the time right now. I wish I had enough milk to keep him happy, but he's so good on both breast and bottle that it doesn't even phase him. Anything to make him happy and healthy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Settling In

Things couldn't be better with the little man. He is eating like a horse and sleeping hard. Now that his circumcision has healed, he can't be bothered to cry. It's amazing.

My wedding rings fit again for the first time in over 2 months! I am so excited about that. I am feeling great and am already itching to get back to working out.

We've gotten into a nice routine where he is nursed during the day and bottle fed milk at night. It's made night time so much easier since we are done with feedings and back asleep in less than 10 minutes.

Feeding is going well - he will only eat off my right side, so I am pumping after each feeding to get enough milk for the evening sessions and to keep things even. I'm getting on average an ounce a side per session, so I'm happy with that. I can't get a stash built up, but it is enough to keep the piglet happy so far.

Friday, January 7, 2011

6 days

Everything is going amazing with Preston here. He's been eating well, sleeping well, and just lights up the room. My husband has been taking a few days off at a time and simply sitting in the same room, as a family, is the most wonderful thing. I always knew my husband was a good man - and the fact he is an amazing father makes me love him and my son that much more.

Preston had his first doctor's appointment yesterday and was diagnosed as a perfect baby. The pediatrician is convinced my due date was wrong - very wrong - and that Preston is either full term or about 2 weeks early. He got his first Hep B shot and we go back in 3 weeks when he is a month old. I love our pediatrician.

Here's a few pictures of Preston with mom, with dad, and enjoying his swing:

Monday, January 3, 2011

He's Here!!

I woke up at 3:30 AM on Friday morning feeling odd. Every few minutes I would have intense cramping that would go away after a few seconds. I got up and decided I couldn’t sleep anymore and camped out on the couch. I also had a consistent watery discharge. Around 6 am, I decided they were contractions and I should start to time them since they hadn’t gone away. They were lasting 30 seconds and coming every 7 minutes. The contractions got progressively stronger and closer together and by the afternoon they became painful enough that I couldn’t talk through them. We decided to continue to labor at home, so we spent the day in front of the television. When 10 pm came, the contractions were lasting over a minute long and were exceptionally painful. By midnight, we were heading to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, I was contracting every 3 minutes that were lasting over a minute apart and were horrifically painful. The nurse checked my progress when we arrived and I had made none from my appointment on Monday. I was 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated. The nurse said because the baby wasn’t 37 weeks yet, they wouldn’t do anything to help the labor along and might stop it. I got really scared they would stop my labor and I would have to go through this again in a few weeks. Luckily, they thought I may have put a small leak in my water, so they decided to knock me out with some medication for a few hours (it was 2 am by this point and I was suffering through contractions the entire time) to see if I would progress if I was in less pain. If I didn’t progress, they would stop the labor and send me home. The medicine didn’t do anything to knock me out as the contractions were still so painful, but in 2 hours I had dilated to 4 cm and was 90% effaced.

I was admitted and scheduled my epidural. It took forever to get my epidural, but was well worth the wait. After having contractions for over 24 hours, I felt sick to my stomach and at about my physical limit for pain. By 8 am the epidural was smoothly in and I was comfortable. We sat back and waited for progress. Actually, we watched the Puppy Bowl on television. I was able to catch a few minutes of sleep here and there. By 2 pm I was stuck at 7 cm and 100% effaced, and the doctor decided to break the small forebag of water that the leak had caused and administer some pitocin. She said if I didn’t make any further progress within the hour that they would need to schedule a c section. When she came back an hour later, I was complete and ready to push. They inserted an internal contraction monitor to keep an eye on my contractions and had me push starting at 3:30 pm. It was a horrible pain in my tailbone. They instantly lost his heartrate and had me stop pushing and inserted an internal monitor. They refused to let me push for a half hour. That was the absolute worst.

At four, they had me on my left side pushing since my back hurt so badly. After 20 minutes of pushing in that position, the doctor forced me on my back and had me push that way. It was so painful! Preston arrived, face up and at an angle, exactly 42 minutes after I started pushing. I had 100% back labor due to his position. The doctor couldn’t believe we pushed him out so quickly from that position. He was born at 4:42 pm on January 1, 2011. He came out and instantly cried. My doctor had to cut me in order to help get him out. She called it a second degree tear. Since he was considered premature, they took him next door for testing. I didn’t get to see him for over an hour. I was so upset. However, by the time he came back I was already up going to the restroom and walking around after the labor. I felt great.

After 38 hours of total labor and 42 minutes of pushing, Preston Lawrence arrived weighing 6 lbs 15.5 oz and 20 inches in length. We couldn’t be more in love.