Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

The best birthday present ever

Yes, today is my 28th birthday. No real plans this evening - looking forward to spending it with my two favorite guys curled up on the couch.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is it time for solids yet?

I confess...I am so tired of feeding P. I am tired of nursing, I am tired of pumping, I am tired of mixing formula bottles, and I am tired of bottle feeding. I've been doing all four: breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, and formula feeding. It's exhausting. I nurse because I hate the pump, I pump because I hate the formula. I swear my life has become consumed with low cut shirts to nurse in, pumping every few hours because I am full and P isn't ready to nurse and counting ounces.

I do have to admit I am lucky - at 11 weeks P eats 8 oz 4x per day and sleeps though the night. Try to tell my boobs that. They are ready to go every hour or two with a whopping 2-3 ounces. The math doesn't add up. My entire day is just consumed with my boobs and with bottles. I enjoy nursing him and I enjoy the theoretical ease of what he is eating versus solids, but I am so tired.

I don't want to give up feeding him breastmilk. For one, formula is expensive. Second, I would feel guilty for giving up for selfish reasons. Third, it would hurt like hell for a few days. But the breastmilk isn't enough, so I'm stuck with all four ways of feeding again. I keep telling myself I've made it this far - I'm halfway there..but I am just so tired. I feel bad for saying that, but it is so true.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tears and Shots

P is doing really well. Nursing has been going better than ever and he is getting about one bottle a day, usually of breast milk. He is still working on rolling over but has started to smile in response to things which just melts my heart. His is finally starting to grow out of his last newborn outfits.

I just wanted to talk about shots for a minute. I follow a bunch of blogs of new moms and everyone has been going through their first round of shots lately. Now, I posted about it earlier but P had really no reaction to his two month shots, and without offending anyone, don't get why people have so many issues with their babies getting shots. I can't imagine standing there crying while he is getting shots. Of course I hate to see my baby in pain, but someone needs to be strong and assure him it is okay. That's my job. I strongly believe that babies feed off of your energy. The first time P threw up (think Exorcist vomiting) I flipped out and he screamed for hours. He did it again a few weeks later and without saying a word I cleaned him up and he didn't utter a peep. Honestly, he cried for 30 seconds anyways and was fine after his shots. I nursed him for a few like I was told to do and brought my little guy home where I gave him lots of love and attention and we went on with our day. I feel bad for people who have trouble with it and I sympathize but I can't empathize. Maybe it makes me a bad person. Who knows.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Two Months!

I am a few days late (okay, six days late) with this post. Preston turned 2 months on March 1st and is doing amazing. His 2 month doctor's appointment went well. We do need to go to the orthopedic the end of the month to have his left foot checked out, but I'm not worried about it.

At two months:
12 lbs
22.25 inches
15 inches head circumference
Sleeping 6-7 hours per night in the crib
Eating 5-6 ounces per feeding every 3-4 hours
Almost there with nursing..bottle feeding about 30% of the time!
Tracking objects, cooing like crazy, and so, so close to rolling over
0-3 month clothes, Carters newborn sized pants and shirts
Just moved into size 1 diapers!
Loves his swing, his new bouncer seat, and can't get enough of being carried around in the sling.