Friday, February 25, 2011

8 weeks

I can't believe my little peanut is a few days shy of 2 months old. He's growing and changing on a daily basis. I look down at him as I upload weekly pictures to the computer, and the pictures are already outdated. It's amazing.

Feeding is going okay - I've basically given up breastfeeding, but am pumping round the clock and supplementing with formula as needed. His feeding schedule is off since his last growth spurt at 6 weeks. Some meals he'll eat 6 or 7 ounces and others he'll just have 2 ounces. He is a messy eater so bibs have become a must.

My parents just moved about an hour away from out of state and it is so wonderful to have them here. P is about a week shy of outgrowing most of his newborn clothes, so I was able to go shopping for 0-3 month clothes with my mother, and I had an absolute blast. You don't realize how you missed those moments when I was pregnant until she is down here and it happens. I feel so blessed for P and for me that my parents are here with us.

P's two month appointment is on March 2nd and I am curious to see how big he has gotten. He was 9 lbs 1 oz (30% percentile), 21 inches (50% percentile) and a head circumference of 17.5 inches (50% percentile). He can track objects now, coos all the time and is constantly looking around. We have been taking walks in the sling so he can look at the trees and he really enjoys that. He is working on sitting up unassisted and loves his tummy time. He also makes the cutest noises when he is eating: