Monday, December 27, 2010

36 weeks appointment

What an eventful doctor's visit! My blood pressure was 110/80 (it has been 110/70 the last 6 weeks or so) and I gained 3 lbs, putting me at 29 lbs total so far. Feeling good about that - especially since I didn't exactly watch what I ate for Christmas.

Had my Strep B test and had to sign a delivery consent form. Baby P's heart beat sounded great and she confirmed he is head down. She did an internal exam and HOLY COW I am 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated! I couldn't believe it! Babystopper is gone and must have slipped by me without noticing. Doctor advised me to do lots of walking to help the dilation. She didn't give me any indication as to station (where the baby's head is) or to my fundal height, but said all looked great. I go back on Tuesday, where I'll be curious to see if we've made any further progress!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it exciting to know you're progressing?!?! I hope it continues are your little one is here soon!
